The custom boundary feature on AcreValue allows users to draw custom property boundary shapes on the AcreValue map. These boundaries can then be used to generate detailed property reports, including soil maps, crop histories, aerial images, and more. This tool enables users to analyze specific portions of properties with precision and flexibility, tailoring the boundaries to their unique research needs.
Why are Custom Boundaries Helpful to Users?
The custom boundary feature is valuable for various users, including landowners, realtors, appraisers, and developers, in situations where they need to research specific parts of a property. Some key use cases include:
- Assessing soil quality and other attributes of just the tillable land areas of a property, excluding non-crop areas like houses or wooded regions.
- Investigating portions of one or more adjacent properties for potential development projects, without including entire properties as listed in parcel maps.
- Evaluating the size and characteristics of specific parts of a property, such as buildings, tree cover, and cropland.
What Reports Can Users Generate with Custom Boundaries?
Using the custom boundary feature, users can generate various reports tailored to their custom-drawn boundaries, including:
- Size: Acreage of the selected property area.
- Soil Maps: Detailed information about soil types and quality within the custom boundary.
- Crop Histories: Historical data on crops grown within the defined area.
- Aerial Images: High-resolution aerial images of the custom boundary.
- Vegetation Health: Satellite-based vegetation health images, including vegetation index maps like NDVI.
How Can Users Access the Custom Boundary Feature?
To access the custom boundary feature on AcreValue:
- Log in to AcreValue: Ensure you are logged into your AcreValue account.
- Navigate to the map: Go to the map section of AcreValue.
- Select Custom tab: Find the “Custom” tab located at the top left corner of the map screen, and select it.
This will display the custom boundaries that have already been drawn. Users can then select “Draw” or “Edit” to the right of the Custom tab to draw new boundaries or edit existing ones.
How to Draw a Custom Boundary
To draw a new custom boundary on AcreValue:
- Click on the "Custom" tab at the top left of the map screen.
- Select the "Draw" button, located to the right of the Custom boundary button, to enable the Draw/Edit view mode.
- Use the drawing tools provided to draw the desired boundary on the map.
Once the boundary is drawn, you can save it for future use or generate reports based on the custom shape.
How to Edit & Delete Created Boundaries
Edit Boundaries
From the Draw/Edit view mode, find the boundary you wish to edit on the boundary list to the right.| Select the pencil icon to edit the boundary.| Use the provided editing tools to modify the existing boundary shape.
Edit Boundary Description and Notes
- From the Draw/Edit view mode, find the boundary you wish to edit on the boundary list to the right.
- Select the pencil icon to edit the boundary.
- Update the name or note for the boundary, then select “Save” to save your edits.
Delete Boundaries
- While in the Edit view, find the boundary you wish to delete on the boundary list on the right.
- Use the delete tool or option to remove the selected boundary from the map.
How to Generate Reports of Created Custom Boundaries
Once you have created a custom boundary, you can generate an AcreValue property report for that boundary, including soil maps, elevation maps, land cover history, and more.
- From the Draw/Edit view mode, find the boundary you wish to edit on the boundary list to the right.
- Select the paper icon to generate a report.
- Once the report is generated, select the preferred map or report using the navigation menu to the left.
- To print, download, or share the report, select the option at the top right of the report.